Urdd’s Girls’ Rugby Team to challenge the world’s best in Dubai

Welsh youth organisation Urdd Gobaith Cymru’s girls’ rugby team are preparing to challenge the world’s top teams in the ‘Emirates Dubai 7s’ tournament.

At the end of November, 12 of the Urdd’s young ambassadors will travel 40,000 miles to the Arabian Desert to compete in one of the world’s biggest 7s tournaments.

As well as challenging rugby teams from across the globe, the Urdd’s ambassadors will also be sharing Wales’ culture and the Welsh language with local youngsters and holding rugby training sessions.

Last year the Urdd’s girls’ rugby team was the first from the UK to take part in the ‘World School Sevens’ tournament, which was held in New Zealand. The Urdd is proud to offer a new squad the opportunity to compete in an international tournament, as well as engage and share cultures with the local community. The tournament is an opportunity for countries to showcase young talent on the international field. 

Siân Lewis, the Urdd’s Chief Executive said: “I’m excited that the Urdd and Wales are leading the way once again by offering this incredible experience to our members. I would like to thank Taith for funding the opportunity and allowing us to engage with the schools and communities of Dubai as part of the tour, and to S4C for sponsoring the team's kit.

"Thanks to Taith’s financial support, our young ambassadors will gain unforgettable experiences as we share the Welsh languages and culture across the world.”

The tournament will be held between 1-3 December 2023 at The Sevens Stadium Dubai.