Digital Literacy Resources
You can browse through the full package or sub-sections to find a specific topic. You can also download the packages or specific sections through clicking on the download symbol. Click on the below buttons to view and download the package of your choice. There are also recordings available for free that match with some of the packages, these can be found at the bottom of the page along with their transcripts.
Complete Digital Literacy PackSubsections of the Digital Literacy Pack
Llythrennedd Digidol / Digital Literacy
Cyfrifoldeb Digidol / Digital Responsibility
Cynhyrchiant Digidol / Digital Productivity
Llythrennedd Gwybodaeth / Literacy Information
Cydweithio Digidol / Digital Collaboration
Creadigrwydd Digidol / Digital Creativity
Dysgu Digidol / Digital Learning
Game! Safety Measures
Transcripts below.