Sioned is from Llangrannog and attended Ysgol Bro Teifi, she has just finished a level 2 Sport, Leisure Active and Wellbeing apprenticeship and is progressing to Level 3 Sport Development. 

Why did you decide to take up an apprenticeship with the Urdd? 

In the Sixth Form I made the decision to go down the apprenticeship route because since  I was a child I have always been interested in the sports. I've tried many sports over the last few years and felt an apprenticeship with the Urdd would be perfect. An apprenticeship is a great way to learn new skills by earning money at the same time, the Urdd has been an important part of my life growing up from attending Urdd clubs to Eisteddfodau and competitions so I was looking forward to working with the Urdd. Before starting the apprenticeship, I was assisting with refereeing and training at school, sogaining the experiencesthat would be very beneficialto the job. 

What do you enjoy most about the apprenticeship? 

I enjoy the fact that every day is different, I meet different kids every week and enjoy sharing experiences and information with them. Running sessions with the children on a weekly basis, I love seeing the children develop their skills as well as develop as a person. I enjoy the opportunities and experiences I receive, for example working in national competitions where everyone come together to work as a team and socialise, I was very lucky to be chosen to take a trip last month to Kenya! This was an unforgettable and certainly eye-opening experience, so very grateful for this wonderful opportunity.  

What does undertaking an apprenticeship through the medium of Welsh mean to you? 

Since a very young age, the Welsh language has been very important to me, I have been educated in Welsh, so it comes naturally to communicate in Welsh straight away and also help by completing all the coursework through the medium of Welsh. I think it’s important to keep the language going when running sports sessions in Welsh for the children because they learn basic life skills such as socialising in the language and in the future I think being able to speak Welsh opens up so many different avenues when looking for a job etc. 

What are your interests outside of work? 

Outside of work, I play hockey for the Newcastle Emlyn Women's team, I practice once a week and play a game on Saturdays in the South Wales Prem 2 league. Over the Summer, I play touch rugby for the local Cranogwen team where we play in a league in Llandysul. I love hanging out with friends and family, so go out for food. I live on a farm, sometimes I help out when needed especially at busy times like lambing. 

In what way has doing the apprenticeship affected your personal development? 

I certainly thinkI'm a different person now compared to the start of the apprenticeship, I'm much more confident in communicating and new people over the phone, in person or in writing. I have learnt a variety of skills such as organisation and time, communication, literacy and certainly impacted personal development. I have many experiences to share with people having completed the first year of apprenticeship and helped to be the person I am now. I'm aware now that every child is different and I know how to deal with these behaviours openly. 

In what way has developing your skills (Numeracy, Communication or Digital Literacy) contributed to your apprenticeship? 

Numeracy skills have contributed daily in dividing groups equally in sessions, when scheduling time for specific matches, as well as inputting results and times in regional and national competitions. I think the biggest skill that contributes to my apprenticeship is communication, I communicate with a lot of people on a daily basis whether it's colleagues, children, parents and schools. I communicate in different ways like email, over the phone and face to face, it's important to know how to communicate with different people because it can be formal or informal. Finally, I use digital literacy skills when completing coursework and writingemail, this has certainly contributed to my apprenticeship and has been developed throughout the year. 

What do you hope to do after completing the apprenticeship? 

I hope to stay at the Urdd and work my way up, I've thoroughly enjoyed the last year and am keen for next year and hopefully the years to follow. 

Briefly describe your duties. 

My main duties as anapprenticeare to lead sessions weekly through the medium of Welsh, I wor kwith departmen tand school staff to encourage children and young people to take up opportunitiesin this area. I also assist with weekly advertising of clubs, competitions and volunteers on social media. 

Describe your experience of doing an apprenticeship with the Urdd in 3 words! 

Exciting, Beneficial, Rewarding 

Would you like to add something about your story? How have you got to where you aren ow? What was / is your biggest challenge? 

I believe that I have worked hard over the past year and am delighted to continue with the Urdd for another year. I think my biggest challenge was finding time and balance between the coursework at and all the hands-onwork that needed to be done. I'm very grateful for every opportunity I've received and excitedabout the opportunities and future experiences.