Urdd Gobaith Cymru expects competitors, coaches and supporters to commit to a spirit of fairness in all of our activities.
All branches and members, who take part in Eisteddfod competitions, are expected to:
- Show kindness, respect and courtesy towards everyone
- Arrive at the Eisteddfod promptly, being ready to compete as required
- Communicate politely with a member of Urdd staff if you have any concerns
- Respect schools, competitors, teachers, volunteers and other coaches
- Respect the judges' decisions
- Encourage members to follow the rules
- Encourage all members not to discriminate on the basis of religion, race, gender, social class or lack of ability.
- Behave responsibly, by not using or tolerating offensive, disrespectful or inappropriate words or behaviour
- Ensure that all members of the branch are aware of the Kindess Code
Everyone who attends the Urdd's Eisteddfods is expected to follow the Friendship Code above.
Urdd staff members reserve the right to expel or refuse non-compliant members or branches from competing.
If you have a query after competing, then a dedicated form is available on this page. The inquiry must come
through the branch leader within 5 days of competing. You will receive a response to the inquiry from the Eisteddfod and the arts department within 5 working days.