Thanks to financial support from Wales International and money raised locally in Australia, an opportunity arose for one apprentice and one of the Urdd's young members of staff to travel to Sydney to hold Welsh medium activities for young children in the area.
January 2020
In January 2020, one of the Urdd's sports apprentices, Jack Perkins and Urdd Youth Officer, Lewys Wyn Jones, traveled to Sydney to conduct Welsh-medium activities at the Sydney Welsh Summer School.

This is the first time the Urdd has offered such an opportunity to young staff and apprentices, and we were delighted to be able to offer our young staff such an unforgettable opportunity while giving something back to Sydney's Welsh community and Welsh-speaking children at the same time.
"It was truly an unforgettable experience. The cabin overlooked the Sydney Harbor Bridge and the children were very good. I am sure the children as well as us will remember the experience for years to come. I think that their sense of being Welsh speakers and their pride in the language has thrived. It is important that the children learn about their culture and heritage in order to open their eyes to the rest of the world."

"It's important for the Urdd to spread their message beyond Wales. The values of fairness, multilingualism and opportunities for young people are international principles and something that everyone should adopt. The Urdd are giving young people a chance to see and learn about the world."
"It's really important for the Urdd to spread their message and have a presence beyond Wales! The Urdd provide the next generation with unique opportunities which is great!"