What is the Fund for All?

The Urdd's Fund for All gives every child in Wales the opportunity to enjoy a summer holiday, regardless of their background or financial circumstances.

Parents, carers, or teachers can apply to the fund to pay for a holiday at one of the Urdd's summer camps for a child or young person who comes from a low-income household.

The application form can be filled in by teachers or parents/guardians of children and young people who would benefit from financial support through the Fund.

Who’s eligible?

  • a child/young person aged between 8 and 18 years old
  • a child/young person who speaks Welsh fluently or is learning
  • a child/young person whose parents/guardians are eligible for free school meals OR working tax credits
  • a child/young person who you feel would benefit from a Summer Course at one of the Urdd Centres.

What’s on offer?

The fund will pay for the entire course and transport to the Camps. View our summer 2024 courses.

What happens next?

After the closing date the panel will meet and assess all applications for the first time and allocate places. Applications will be assessed by a steering committee which includes Directors of the Urdd’s Residential Centres, an Urdd Trustees and a young member of our Board.

The number of places available depends on the level of funding received. All applications will be assessed, and places will be allocated to those who best meet the criteria.